Kentain products Logo
PVC Liner Solutions for Liquid Containment
  • Canadian Salt Windsor
  • Horizontal tank with PVC framed liner
  • Woodstave Tank Liner
  • Epcor Edmonton Water Collection
  • To This.
  • Lagoon Lane Bracebridge, ON

A cost effective, long term solution for liquid containment


A Life Expectancy of 15-20 Years & Beyond

Kentain flexible liners are the better way to solve the problem of aged, cracked and leaking epoxy and bonded tank liners. With over three decades of success in the flexible tank liner industry, Kentain has built a reputation for excellence and durability. The maintenance-free liner lowers operating costs and has a life expectancy of between 15 and 20 years. In some cases the liners have performed for much longer than that.

Custom Designed & Dielectrically Welded

Every Kentain liner is custom manufactured to your specific tank size and shape. The sheets of PVC flexible liner material are dielectrically welded together to ensure a strong, leak-proof permanent seal on the seams. The appurtenances and manhole fittings are attached to the body of the liner providing a complete liquid and vapour tight, one-piece structure. The Kentain liner doubles your toxic containment factor by becoming the main containment while the tank becomes the secondary containment structure. As an added safety factor a leak detection system alerts the tank operator of a leak, should one occur.

The Kentain Edge
  • Custom fitted liner is precision manufactured to any size and shape
  • Installed by our expert technicians or may be installed by your own maintenance staff
  • No need to sandblast to remove old liner
  • A tailored fit ensures down time is kept to a minimum
  • Prefabricated liner can be compactly folded to insert through a manway
  • The suspended liner does not have to be bonded to the tank
  • Liners are certified for potable water and liquid food storage

Woodstave Tank Technology

With a history of over 100 years of craftsmanship, Canbar Wood Stave Tanks are installed all over North America as well as locations worldwide.

Installed with Kentain long-life flexible PVC liners and combined with the time proven structural strength, durability and corrosion resistance of wood, Canbar Wood Stave Tanks are the ideal solution to the challenge of safely storing aggressive chemicals.
